Post by Emmarie on Nov 8, 2010 17:15:34 GMT -5
Pronunciations are in [ ].
Wanna add a word, a phrase, a saying? Send to Exalted Emerald.
[This language has been in development for over ten years, it's just something I created along with Emma the character for this world she was from. Feel free to use it as you like or not at all! The curses are kinda fun to throw in here and there. ]
Good (morning/afternoon/evening) - Xon (ampe/dresi/sitale)
Hello - Y'allal
Good to meet you, Well met - Xon giste.
It's an honor to meet you - Qua'z tel'raa giste.
It's been too long. - Qua'z eben ixi hira.
Long time no see -
Bright blessing - L'achar glin'en. (can be used as farewell too)
Be well! - Laser fre!
Bye - Alee
Bye-bye - Alee'lee
Good-bye - Xonalee
Good hunting. - Xon faru'en.
Until tomorrow - Trobak'ifory
You are beautiful - Zu las vilaste.
You are honorable - Zu las tel'raaye.
My handsome lover. - Prydwan'dar nesan.
You're so handsome (beautiful). - Z'las ol prydwan (vilaste).
Good meal, good food - Xela iau'le -- Said as a compliment to a meal. (Usually before, but also can be used after) (from scintillant)
Do you speak Kh'ronish? - K'zu yalaga Kh'ronig?
How are you? - Sut las zu?
I am an Oratio. - Lasi d'Oratio.
I love you. - Zi'nesu.
Kiss me. - Kusan'ze
My friend - zela'dar
No, thank you. - Ayar, cela zu.
Yes, please - Ais, xedra.
Thank you - Cela zu.
This is my friend. - T'as lasod zela'dar
What is it? - Ki lasod qua?
Who is my friend? - Kho lasod zela'dar?
You are my enemy. - Zu las yardu'dar
You are welcome - Zu las breshen.
You're welcome - Z'las breshen.
Why not? - Pam'yar?
Why should I? Pam dw'in zi?
Bless you - Glin'ais zu.
What's the weather like? - Ki'las afnod lasc?
I want you. - Z'dessir zu.
Sleep well - Shu fre.
Take off your clothes - Igla akul zul archene.
What's your name? - Ki zul ennym?
My name is.. - Ennym'dar lasod...
Where are you from? - Kell las'zu voysh.
I'm from... - Zi'lam voysh...
How old are you? - Sut addi las'zu?
Good luck. - Fre'lwc.
Away with you / Get away. - Kero ot zu.
Happy Birthday! - Amod ebrel'calan!
Do you promise? - Ad'zu vestal?
I promise - Z'vestal.
I miss you. - Met'uu'zu.
What a beauty - (slang: what a dick, jackass, etc) Ki vilas!
Rough as ten! - (slang: a place of violence, like a bar) Aniswit daz!
Ah - Anos
That sucks! - Ba'suga'z!
Are you serious, are you kidding? - Au va?
Damn! - T'chel!
Damn you! - T'chel'zu!
Eww! - Eu!
Fuck you! - Bwchi zu!
God, Goodness, Gosh! - Tre'dea! "Triple God"
Good luck! - Fre'lwc! [Frelk]
Look! - Dees'a!
Look out! - Dees'a brea. [Dee-sah-bray-ah]
Oh no! - Ap ayar!
Oh! - Ap!
Son of a bitch! - Yakalithel!
To battle! - A'yarduthrial [A-yard-oo-thrall]
Welcome! - Breshen!
Smile! - Gwena!
What awful weather! - Ki anlizut afnod!
Death to my enemy! - Mortiau i yard'dar! [Mortoo-ee-yard-dar]
Come here! - Z'cell iyon. [zell-ee-yon]
Stop! - Pa'us! [Paw-oos]
Stop it! - Pa'us qua!
You're dead! - Z'las morta!
Silence! - Uiist! [Oost!]
Help me! - Z'doon'ze!
I need a healer! - Zi'kime ragnalt!
The battle is (well) weary for the (friend) enemy. -- Te yarduthrial lasod (fre) jesto'on (per'zela'ti) per'yardu' ti. (Incantation)
Abbe'dar Kh'ronos, riatare da safro aerie. - My father Kh'ronos, envelope me in sweet air. (Incantation)
Xonalee yardu'dar, t'ghaleg zu arnu. - Goodbye my enemy, the void swallows you. (Incantation)
Ritual Prayers:
For a funeral of a Kh'ronen--
Abbe Kh'ronos leesken pen zu, om'terra zu arnus. Hendre ze'chi, la da'chyd. - Father Kh'ronos watches over you, Mother Earth swallows you. Fallen soul, be refreshed.
Relation Titles:
brother - andro
sister - andra
daughter - liah [lee-ah]
son - lithel
daughter of - li'ab (Often used esp by twi'khron as part of a name- Andras li'ab Jonas - Andras daughter of Jonas)
son of - lit'ab
devoted mate (female) - ak'drena
devoted mate (male) - ak'druno
father - abbe [ab-ay]
mother - om [ohm]
aunt - mo'dryd
uncle - ew'dryd
fiance, promised one - tru'dar
friend - zela
boyfriend - ba'zela
girlfriend - fa'zela
husband - duen [dune]
wife - aimslu [aim-slew]
grandmother - bren'om [Note: great grandmothers, etc.. are all called bren'om, there is no distinction in normal speech.]
grandfather - rhi'abbe [Same for grandfather. All are rhi'abbe]
Oratio Gemstones:
jasper - rosha
emerald - emer'aa
topaz - abet'zi
amethyst - a'mistre
onyx - duv'vel
beryl - cencalu
jacinth - mel'yn
sapphire - saffir
jade - grinja
opal - gwindra
moonstone - lunter
ruby - rohel
bloodstone - sanguter
quartz - cwarts
tigereye - teigre
turquoise - turrq'u
spinel - carduv
peridot - glas'ud
garnet - d'nion
pearl - margred
citrine - oraen
amber - gef'er
lapis - gles'ni
coral - c'wrel
Formal Titles:
Priest - Abbu
Priestess - Oma [ohm-ah]
Bishop - Abbas
Queen - Brenhina [bren-eena]
King - Rhi'draeth [ree-drayth]
Princess - Talaitha
Prince - Talaith
Father God - abbe'dei (the progenator of a sub race) [ab-ee-day]
Mother Goddess - om'dea (the progenator of a sub race) [ohm-dee-ah]
The Daughter of Time - Andra'liah (Emmarie's formal title)
Lord - Wyd (Wyd'dar - My Lord) [wid]
Lady - Wyda
Dame - Bon'xuit [bone-zoot]
Sir - Syr [seer]
First Knight - Prim Xu'ite [prim zoo-tay]
Commander - S'iars [sires]
Captain (ships) - Capten
Master - Meistre [miss-tray]
Mistress - Meis [miss]
Headmistress - Prima'meis
The Chosen One - Dethol'dar (one chosen to be an Oratio)
d'Oratio - The formal title for an Oratio, literally "The Oratio"
Basic Words:
abdomen, stomach - boldo
ablaze, fiery - adans
about - tarr
above - nory
abyss - eeya
after - dre
afternoon - dresi
age - oad
air - aerie
all - olla
alone - elan
alright, ok - da
altar - numitu
alternate, alternative - deza
alternate timeline - deza oraken
amethyst - a'mistre
amulet - n'fared
ancestor - ac'na
ancient -hensel
and - yr [ear]
angel - aingeal
angry, anger - furer
answer - tabb
apple - epal
arcane - ar'khan
archer - yustel
ass (name-called) - tee'ka "You ass"
ass (alternative to butt/rear) - teek "Get your ass over here"
aquamarine - osha'agu
are - las
arm - brekka
armor - ar'gaeth
arrow - saeth
Amen, so be it, let it be - Arda'thrai
away - kero
awful, very bad, terrible - anlizut
baby - ba'ba
bad - anli
balance - vatolo
bane - dar'gar
bang, hit (can be sexual) - teero
bard - len'mana [len-man-ah]
barkeep - chafarrneir (sometimes just shortened to "chaf")
battle - yarduthrial
bay (water) - flod
beautiful - vilaste [vi-las-tay]
beauty - vilas [vee-las]
because - chionn
been - eben
before - apil
behind - ceff
bell - clok
belong - van
beloved - innes [in-nes]
beryl - cencalu [sin-kalu]
bestow, give - irim
bird - deren
birth - ebrel
birthday - ebrel'calan
bitch - yaka
black, dark - duvh [dove]
blacksmith - duvh'teir
bless - glin'ais
blessed - glinte [glyn-tay]
blessing - glin'en
bliss - cin'ma [sin-mah]
blood - sangui [sane-gwah]
bloodstone - sanguter
blue - gless
blunt - pe'lo
bone - h'oid
borders - girion
boundary - caar'n
boundary (kingdom lines) - caar'net
bow (weapon) -
boy - ba'gen
brave, valor - balin
bread - ba'ar
break - skeeth
bride -
bridge - punt
brilliant, bright - l'achar
brown, brunette - donni
bury - unt'r
business - nogex
butler, manservant - veros
butterfly - kalbek
by - fi
by your - fi'zul
cake - kek
can - kay
candle - shama
canine - yaaik [ya-eek]
cannot - kay'ayl
cat - kath
castle, keep - cair
champion - delakk (delakk'dar - My champion)
chant - ghita
chapel - corr
cheese -
chest, box - pren'cist (wooden)
chosen - dethol
choose - dethlyn
city, town - holm
clearly - kalre
cloak, mantle - cleoca
clone - adgrif
clothing, clothes - archene [ar-keen]
cloud - bult
coast (verb) -
coast (noun) -
cool, neat - xiik [xik]
cold - koul
come - z'cell
companion - companak
conflict - sav's
conquer - anikit
copy, copies - copio, copio'z
correct, right - i'dee
create - k'rafft
creative - k'rafftol
crow - bran
crown - taj'i
crush - hazim
curse - in'lan
daddy - da
damnation - damnu't
dark - duvh dark stranger - du'basha
darkness - duvhresk
darling- cariad
day - calan
daydream - cal'hulya
dawn - ar'una
dead - morta
death - mortiau [mor-too]
deep -
delay - o'deer
delicious, yummy - dai
demon - male'dys [mah-lay-dees]
destiny, fate - kaadre
detect - fonn
devil - moga'dys
devoted - akamin
dog - dogi
do / do not - ad / ad ayat
down - yun
downtown - yunbitt
dragon - trak'an
dread - tem
dream - hulya
drop - pestel
druid - derwidd
dry - drige
dumb, idiot - clud [clood]
dune - dunin
eagle - e'rir
ear, ears - arela, arela'z
east - ethen
earth - terra
eat - imata
eclipse - lipsis
eloquent - ab'yana
emerald - emer'aa [em-ear-ah]
emperor - zar
empress - zar'a
enemy - yardu
energy, spiritual power - bian'chi
enlightened - b'uda
envelope, encase- riatare
eternal, everlasting - zuthain
evening - sitale [si-tally]
ever - bith
exalted, placed high - ulvit
excellent - j'ammen
eye, eyes - vis, vis'z [veez] [veez-siz]
faith - ni'esha
fall, drop - pestel
fallen, death - hendre
farm - fermm
fate, destiny - kaadre
father - abbe
feline - karu
festival - bach'ram
field, meadow - fee
fight - fyd
first - prim
fire - embre
fish - posson
fist - pun'yaa
flame, fire - sule [soo-lay]
flower - blado
fool, idiot - fytyn
forest - skog
for - per' (added to the word as in per'yardu'ti -- for the enemy or per'zela'ti -- for the friend)
forest - dos
forever - per'bith
forgotten - zuha
fort, fortification - zammek, zamekk'eda
freckled - ba'ken
Friend - zela
from - voysh
fuck - bwch [bwich]
future, coming time - orakedoar [oh-rack-a-door]
ghost, haunt, evil creature - nostivagu
girl - fa'gen
go - ga'an [gan]
god, goddess - dei, dea [dee] [day-ah]
gold - aurol
goldsmith - aurol'teir
good, well - fre
grape - vin
grave - terarnu
gravestone - arn'carrig
grey, gray - leath
groom (opp. of bride) -
groom (verb) -
group - companach
grove - geli
guilty - yugg
had - aja
hair, lock of hair - kebh , kebh'ir
half - j'twa [sh-twah]
halo - ayla
hand - manu
handsome - prydwan
happy, happiness - amod, amoda
harp - clarsak
have - nevv
haven - nevoeth
he - hu
heal - ragnas
healer - ragnalt
health - rag'ya
healthy - rag'yal
heart - asgree
help - z'doon
here - iyon
hero - ad'nes
highlands - blanu
hill - bryyn
hit, bang (can be sexual) - teero
holy - glan'a
honor - tel'raa
honorable - tel'raaye
horse - mar'ach
Hour - awron
house - hum
how - sut
hunt - faru
I - zi
ice - isen
ice lotus - isen'jiva
idea - kapana
idiot - debill
idol, image - ilunedd
if - dha
imagine, imagination - kapit, kapitalee
immortal - akhales
important - tromach
in - an
in your - an'zul
incomparable, matchless - anu'pem
infinite, never ending - am'ret
inspiration - il'ami
inn, hostel - c'veri
iron - hearn
is - lasod
it - qua
jade - grinja
jasper - rosha
jewel - s'dug
jewelry - s'dugre
kind - ihsan
kiss -kusan
kitten - karuru
knife - azt
knight - xu'ite
knob - nobin (slang: penis, or calling someone a dick)
know - suth
knowledge - suthen
known - suth'r
lake - llyn
large, big - grut
later - lengen
leader (of a guild, clan, etc) - e'mam
leather - lletr
leave - yamada
left (verb) - yamadente
left (direction) - schmet
legend - vivi
legendary - vivi'ete
less - akhal
let - ig
liar - anwir
life - iau [yow]
like - lasc
light - lucen
lion - lleo
living - iau'shir
look - dees'a
long - hira
longing, homesick - hiraeth
lotus - jiva
love - nesa [knee-sa]
love your - nesa'zul
lover - nesan [knee-san]
lycanthrope - xin'lun
luck - ilwc bad luck - an'liwc good luck - fre'lwc
luster, sheen, brilliance - myfi
mage - xeld
magic - xela [zela]
maiden - mat'dean
make - bilt
makes - bilt'z
marked - en'kita
martyr - methyr
marsh - morfa
maybe - saso
me - ze
meadow, field - fee
meek, shy - llera
meet - giste [jist-ay]
memory - anju
memorial - anjuzl
message - da'sul
messenger - da'sendra
meteor, shooting star - sehebh
milk - laatha
mire, swamp - myr
modest - feef
monastery - klachen
monk - klakkos
moon - lun [loon]
moonlight - lun'cen
moonstone - lunter
more - vatae
morning - ampe
Mother Earth - om'terra
mountains - berkin
mouth - buka
move - glessect
midnight - nos'duvh
mind - entin
misinformed - unphurn
miss - met'uu
mistake - zyllin
much - mocan
mug, cup - gotart
my -'dar (placed behind the word as in abbe'dar -- my father)
name - ennym
near - isbil
near your - isbil'zul
necromancy - nostireverti
need - kime
night - nos
no - ayar [i-yar]
none - ayanor
nor - ayara
north - noord
not - ayat
not your - ayat'zul
nothing - n'ema
now - nawr [now-er]
noble - nabil
oath - berkent
oblivion - letha
of - ab
off - akul
old - addi
omen - arg'ael
on - art
one - ene
onyx - duv'vel
other - fel
otherwise - fel'awry
out - brea
over - pen
own - fene
pale - peil
pass (opposed to fail) -
pass (mountain pass) - bilch
passion - shand
passionate - shandala
past, time past - orakedella
peace - kolet [ko-lay]
pearl - margred
perfect - wajinn
phoenix - f'enics
pirate - verlaat
please - xedra
poem - a'wyn
poetry - a'wynna
practice - pw'tiks
praise - th'ana
pray, entreat - eirchi
pregnant - torakk
pretty - della
priest, priestess - druet, druess
prismatic - lucetaar
promise - vestal
prophet/prophetess - Arme / Armet
psion - nu'har
rain - amet
rainbow - ametola
rag - rhac
rags - rhac'z
ranger - olwyd
rare - adeen
raven - bran
recall, reverse - reve'ti
Refreshed, Refresh - da'chyd
red - roha
right (direction) - yamind
right (correct) - i'dee
ring - ryn
river - rezeka
road, lane - veer
romance - ranay
rose - guld
rough - aniswit
ruby - rohel
ruin - ruun
rule - d'bar
sacrifice - abet
sad, sorrowful - trista
safety, safe - de'gelin, de'gel
sapphire - saffir
say, tell - dweed
scholar - aylim
secret, hidden - bian
sea, ocean - osha
see - dren
servant (sworn servant) - parat'a, parat'i (female, male)
servant - daela
sex - s'zeen
shade - sayeh
shadow - umbra - shadows - umbra'z
she - su
shine, glitter - deii
shirt/tunic - cris
shoe - esged
should - dw'in
show - salen
sight - drenek
silk - ipek
silversmith - aris'teir
skinny - t'wig
silver - aris
sing - canta
singer - cantan
sky, heavens - neamh
slayer, killer, murderer - necator
slave - cae'thel
sleep - shu
sleepy - shud
sleeper - shudan
slow - siga
smile - gwena
smith, smithy - teir
smoke - i'ye
snow - istas
so - ol
soft - ner'myn
something - ru'gin
son - lithel
song - cantar
sorry - ediwith
soul, spirit - ze'chi
south - soord
speech - ilaxen
spell - swyn
spider - aran'yr
spinel - carduv
spirit - sparet
spontaneous - digimell
spotted (can mean acne) - e'brashe
spring - caroun
square - plaz
star - seren
stone, rock - carrig
stop - pa'us
story - rai
storyteller - raiwa
stranger - b'asha
stream - sto'om
street, lane - stry'dd
strength (physical) -- ooja
strength (mental) -oonta
strength (emotional) - oojit
strength (spiritual) oochi
strength (magical) xeloo
such - se'e
suck - suga
summer - afa
sun - ela
swallow - arnu
swamp, mire - myr
sweet, fresh - safro
sweetheart - saf'gree
sweetie - safrol
sword - cledyf
take - igla
tavern - chafarn
tears - de'yorz
teeth - dinte
tell, say - dweed
temple, church - llan Temple of Duthair - Llanduthair // Temple of Kh'ronos - Llankhronos etc.
thank - cela
that- ba
the - t'e
The - Te (beginning of sentences or titles)
the - ti (as in, yardu'ti -- the enemy)
there - ist
these - rhen
think - afka
this - de
thoughts - afkeh
thunder - ra'da
tigereye - teigre
time - orak
timeline - oraken
timespace - orak'tempori
to - i ( as in leichi i Andra'liah -- pray to Andra'liah)
to your - i'zul
too - ixi
topaz - abet'zi
today - i'calan
tomorrow - orak'ifory
tombstone - cromcarrig
tongue -
torment -
torture, torment - cruxo
tower -
town - bitt
track - ll'bir
tracks - ll'bir'z
travel (one day's travel) - da'grene
tribune - tre'vithu
trust - vaf'ee
truth - amish
ugly - sesh't
understand, knowledge - dressar
union - ekta (also used as the formal polite way of saying "sex")
until - trobll
up - opp
us - s'yn
use - yus
valley - dalen
vampire, blood-sucker - sanguisuga
victory, victorious - victus
village - tryfa
virgin, pure - cadi
voice - vozi
void, the void that an Oratio's weapon sends enemies to - t'ghaleg
vow, pledge (such as a knight, cleric) - e'sam
walk - moto
want - dessir
war - rhyfel
warrior - rhyfellion
water - agu
waterfall - agupestyl
way - len
wave - tonn
we, us - nizz
wealth - bernog
weary, tired - jesto'on
weather - afnod
welcome - breshen
were (were-wolf, etc) - vagdu (vagdu'b'leith)
west - ganan
what - ki?
when - k'orak?
where - kell?
white - gwyn
who - kho?
why - pam?
will - w'
wind - tadewa
wine - vin'o
winter - gwyaer
wise, wisdom - jh'nyar, jh'nyarsha
wish - d'lek
with - ot [oat]
wolf - b'leith
woman - cymfe
word - voz
world, earth - terra
worship - archana
would - vood
yes - ais [ ice ]
yesterday -orak'calan
you - zu
your - zul
you're - z'las
young - jazan
youth - jaz'wen
Yule - Cla'gwyaer
Make something plural, add 'z. As in eye is vis. Eyes are vis'z.
-tion = -alee
for example, imagine, imagination - kapit, kapitalee
-ary = ete
for example, legendary - vivi'ete
and - yr
but - ruv
or - ara
nor -ayara
for - per , 'per
so - du
yet - allet
Verbs (and tenses) (in process)
to be - i la am- lam are- le is-las was-lal were-la'el
Past- 'ente or ente (ed)
Present- 'en or en (ing)
Future- w' (will (verb) )
ly - ba
love - nesa
Past: loved - nesente
Present: loving - nesen
Future: will love - w'nesa
loves- nesaz
lovingly - nesenba
lover - nesan
slay, kill, murder - necat
Past: murdered - necat'ente
Present: murdered - necat'en
Future: will murder - w'necat
murders - necat'z
murderer - necan
speak - yalaga
Past: spoke - yalagente
Present: speak - yalagen
Future: will speak - w'yalaga
speaks - yalagaz
swallow - arnu
Past: swallowed - arnente
Present: swallowing - arnen
Future: will swallow - w'arnu
swallows - arnuz
understand, know - dressar
Past: knew - dressente
Present: knowing- dressar'en
Future: will know - w'dressar
understands, knows - dressar'z
understandingly - dressar'enba
Zi dressente.. (I knew)
suck - suga
Past: sucked - sugente
Present: sucking - sugen
Future: will suck - w'suga
sucks - sugaz
Past: watched - leeskente
Present: watching - leesken
Future: will watch - w'leeske
watches - leeskez
Watcher - leeskan
whip, beat, thrash - afross
Past: whipped- afrossente
Present: whipping, beating: afrossen
Future: will whip - w'afross
Whips, Beats: afrossz
walk - moto
Past: walked - motente
Present: walking - moten
Future: will walk - w'moto
walks - motoz
thank - cela
Past: thanked - celente
Present: thanking - celen
Future: will thank - w'cela
thanks - celaz
bless - glin'ais
Past: blessed - glin'aisente
Present: blessing - glin'aisen
Future: will bless - w'glin'ais
blesses - glin'ais'z
Insults/ Name calling / Cursing
Aversitrix - sworn enemy, adversary, hated person.
Fytyn - fool, idiot
J'twa'kro - a hateful term by some kh'ronens for the proliferation of halfies within the world. Halfie - not a pure subrace AND halfie of other races.
Agamedwer - stagnant, filthy water. Used as an insult usually towards water kh'ron, very offensive if spoken to someone not of the water kh'ronen race (usually results in an honor match at the least, if said to someone not a water kh'ron.) Water kh'ronen have been heard to call each other the name though, without repercussion.
Beac - tiny, little thing, little one. Mothers often call their children this, but it's a bit offensive for grown people to call someone "Beac" when they are grown men or women.
Clud - Dummy, idiot.
T'ghaleg zu arnu! - Common curse. "The Void swallow you!"
Carrig ad'nes - "Hero of Rocks/stones" -- basically, you're a hero of nothing. You just think you are. The only thing that thinks well of you are the rocks.
Caganar - brat
Dulithel - "Son of Dulith" - Those winter kh'ron who still follow and walk in the ways of Dulith, doing evil and causing trouble throughout Eldon Heath and other lands.
Kurva - whore, slut, loose woman
Kurvel - whore, slut, loose man
Sut'chum? - How much? (A derogative phrase said to a woman dressed like a tramp)
Malvec - bald headed man.
Ibrac - bastard
Sesh't bwchi - Ugly f'cker.
Z'bwch - F*ck you.
Zu damnu't - Damnation on you!
Bwch'keh - I'll f*ck your thoughts. Extremely rude to say to anyone. A threat, esp. from a psion.
Unt'r t'e Abbas - Bury the Bishop (have sex)
Damnu't i'zul rhi'abbe sven - Damnation to your seventh grandfather! (A strong curse to one's family / against one's family. Usually results in a brawl.)
Some common curses / slang not yet translated:
Wish your parents slept that night. (instead of conceiving you)
Get lost on a thousand streets.
1 - ene
2 - twa
3 - tre
4 - fru
5 - vee
6 - sey
7 - sven
8 - oct
9- non
10 - daz
11 - ence (en-say)
12 - twace 'twah-say)
13 - trece (tray-say)
14 - fruce (froo-say)
15 - veece (vee-say)
16 - sece (say-say)
17 - svens
18 - octes
19 - nonce (non-say)
20 - tway
21 - tway-ene
22 - tway-twa
30 - trey
40 - fray
50 - vey
60 - sezy
70 - sveny
80 - octy
90 - nony
100 - eny
101 - eny-ene
102 - eny-twa
200 - twa eny
201 - twa eny-ene
202 - twa eny-twa
300 - tre eny
400 - fru eny
500 - vee eny
600 - sey eny
700 - sven eny
800 - oct eny
900 - non eny
1000 - dazend
2000 - twayend
3000 - treyend
4000 - frayend
5000 - veyend
6000 - sezend
7000 - svend
8000 - octend
9000 - nonend
Wanna add a word, a phrase, a saying? Send to Exalted Emerald.
[This language has been in development for over ten years, it's just something I created along with Emma the character for this world she was from. Feel free to use it as you like or not at all! The curses are kinda fun to throw in here and there. ]
Good (morning/afternoon/evening) - Xon (ampe/dresi/sitale)
Hello - Y'allal
Good to meet you, Well met - Xon giste.
It's an honor to meet you - Qua'z tel'raa giste.
It's been too long. - Qua'z eben ixi hira.
Long time no see -
Bright blessing - L'achar glin'en. (can be used as farewell too)
Be well! - Laser fre!
Bye - Alee
Bye-bye - Alee'lee
Good-bye - Xonalee
Good hunting. - Xon faru'en.
Until tomorrow - Trobak'ifory
You are beautiful - Zu las vilaste.
You are honorable - Zu las tel'raaye.
My handsome lover. - Prydwan'dar nesan.
You're so handsome (beautiful). - Z'las ol prydwan (vilaste).
Good meal, good food - Xela iau'le -- Said as a compliment to a meal. (Usually before, but also can be used after) (from scintillant)
Do you speak Kh'ronish? - K'zu yalaga Kh'ronig?
How are you? - Sut las zu?
I am an Oratio. - Lasi d'Oratio.
I love you. - Zi'nesu.
Kiss me. - Kusan'ze
My friend - zela'dar
No, thank you. - Ayar, cela zu.
Yes, please - Ais, xedra.
Thank you - Cela zu.
This is my friend. - T'as lasod zela'dar
What is it? - Ki lasod qua?
Who is my friend? - Kho lasod zela'dar?
You are my enemy. - Zu las yardu'dar
You are welcome - Zu las breshen.
You're welcome - Z'las breshen.
Why not? - Pam'yar?
Why should I? Pam dw'in zi?
Bless you - Glin'ais zu.
What's the weather like? - Ki'las afnod lasc?
I want you. - Z'dessir zu.
Sleep well - Shu fre.
Take off your clothes - Igla akul zul archene.
What's your name? - Ki zul ennym?
My name is.. - Ennym'dar lasod...
Where are you from? - Kell las'zu voysh.
I'm from... - Zi'lam voysh...
How old are you? - Sut addi las'zu?
Good luck. - Fre'lwc.
Away with you / Get away. - Kero ot zu.
Happy Birthday! - Amod ebrel'calan!
Do you promise? - Ad'zu vestal?
I promise - Z'vestal.
I miss you. - Met'uu'zu.
What a beauty - (slang: what a dick, jackass, etc) Ki vilas!
Rough as ten! - (slang: a place of violence, like a bar) Aniswit daz!
Ah - Anos
That sucks! - Ba'suga'z!
Are you serious, are you kidding? - Au va?
Damn! - T'chel!
Damn you! - T'chel'zu!
Eww! - Eu!
Fuck you! - Bwchi zu!
God, Goodness, Gosh! - Tre'dea! "Triple God"
Good luck! - Fre'lwc! [Frelk]
Look! - Dees'a!
Look out! - Dees'a brea. [Dee-sah-bray-ah]
Oh no! - Ap ayar!
Oh! - Ap!
Son of a bitch! - Yakalithel!
To battle! - A'yarduthrial [A-yard-oo-thrall]
Welcome! - Breshen!
Smile! - Gwena!
What awful weather! - Ki anlizut afnod!
Death to my enemy! - Mortiau i yard'dar! [Mortoo-ee-yard-dar]
Come here! - Z'cell iyon. [zell-ee-yon]
Stop! - Pa'us! [Paw-oos]
Stop it! - Pa'us qua!
You're dead! - Z'las morta!
Silence! - Uiist! [Oost!]
Help me! - Z'doon'ze!
I need a healer! - Zi'kime ragnalt!
The battle is (well) weary for the (friend) enemy. -- Te yarduthrial lasod (fre) jesto'on (per'zela'ti) per'yardu' ti. (Incantation)
Abbe'dar Kh'ronos, riatare da safro aerie. - My father Kh'ronos, envelope me in sweet air. (Incantation)
Xonalee yardu'dar, t'ghaleg zu arnu. - Goodbye my enemy, the void swallows you. (Incantation)
Ritual Prayers:
For a funeral of a Kh'ronen--
Abbe Kh'ronos leesken pen zu, om'terra zu arnus. Hendre ze'chi, la da'chyd. - Father Kh'ronos watches over you, Mother Earth swallows you. Fallen soul, be refreshed.
Relation Titles:
brother - andro
sister - andra
daughter - liah [lee-ah]
son - lithel
daughter of - li'ab (Often used esp by twi'khron as part of a name- Andras li'ab Jonas - Andras daughter of Jonas)
son of - lit'ab
devoted mate (female) - ak'drena
devoted mate (male) - ak'druno
father - abbe [ab-ay]
mother - om [ohm]
aunt - mo'dryd
uncle - ew'dryd
fiance, promised one - tru'dar
friend - zela
boyfriend - ba'zela
girlfriend - fa'zela
husband - duen [dune]
wife - aimslu [aim-slew]
grandmother - bren'om [Note: great grandmothers, etc.. are all called bren'om, there is no distinction in normal speech.]
grandfather - rhi'abbe [Same for grandfather. All are rhi'abbe]
Oratio Gemstones:
jasper - rosha
emerald - emer'aa
topaz - abet'zi
amethyst - a'mistre
onyx - duv'vel
beryl - cencalu
jacinth - mel'yn
sapphire - saffir
jade - grinja
opal - gwindra
moonstone - lunter
ruby - rohel
bloodstone - sanguter
quartz - cwarts
tigereye - teigre
turquoise - turrq'u
spinel - carduv
peridot - glas'ud
garnet - d'nion
pearl - margred
citrine - oraen
amber - gef'er
lapis - gles'ni
coral - c'wrel
Formal Titles:
Priest - Abbu
Priestess - Oma [ohm-ah]
Bishop - Abbas
Queen - Brenhina [bren-eena]
King - Rhi'draeth [ree-drayth]
Princess - Talaitha
Prince - Talaith
Father God - abbe'dei (the progenator of a sub race) [ab-ee-day]
Mother Goddess - om'dea (the progenator of a sub race) [ohm-dee-ah]
The Daughter of Time - Andra'liah (Emmarie's formal title)
Lord - Wyd (Wyd'dar - My Lord) [wid]
Lady - Wyda
Dame - Bon'xuit [bone-zoot]
Sir - Syr [seer]
First Knight - Prim Xu'ite [prim zoo-tay]
Commander - S'iars [sires]
Captain (ships) - Capten
Master - Meistre [miss-tray]
Mistress - Meis [miss]
Headmistress - Prima'meis
The Chosen One - Dethol'dar (one chosen to be an Oratio)
d'Oratio - The formal title for an Oratio, literally "The Oratio"
Basic Words:
abdomen, stomach - boldo
ablaze, fiery - adans
about - tarr
above - nory
abyss - eeya
after - dre
afternoon - dresi
age - oad
air - aerie
all - olla
alone - elan
alright, ok - da
altar - numitu
alternate, alternative - deza
alternate timeline - deza oraken
amethyst - a'mistre
amulet - n'fared
ancestor - ac'na
ancient -hensel
and - yr [ear]
angel - aingeal
angry, anger - furer
answer - tabb
apple - epal
arcane - ar'khan
archer - yustel
ass (name-called) - tee'ka "You ass"
ass (alternative to butt/rear) - teek "Get your ass over here"
aquamarine - osha'agu
are - las
arm - brekka
armor - ar'gaeth
arrow - saeth
Amen, so be it, let it be - Arda'thrai
away - kero
awful, very bad, terrible - anlizut
baby - ba'ba
bad - anli
balance - vatolo
bane - dar'gar
bang, hit (can be sexual) - teero
bard - len'mana [len-man-ah]
barkeep - chafarrneir (sometimes just shortened to "chaf")
battle - yarduthrial
bay (water) - flod
beautiful - vilaste [vi-las-tay]
beauty - vilas [vee-las]
because - chionn
been - eben
before - apil
behind - ceff
bell - clok
belong - van
beloved - innes [in-nes]
beryl - cencalu [sin-kalu]
bestow, give - irim
bird - deren
birth - ebrel
birthday - ebrel'calan
bitch - yaka
black, dark - duvh [dove]
blacksmith - duvh'teir
bless - glin'ais
blessed - glinte [glyn-tay]
blessing - glin'en
bliss - cin'ma [sin-mah]
blood - sangui [sane-gwah]
bloodstone - sanguter
blue - gless
blunt - pe'lo
bone - h'oid
borders - girion
boundary - caar'n
boundary (kingdom lines) - caar'net
bow (weapon) -
boy - ba'gen
brave, valor - balin
bread - ba'ar
break - skeeth
bride -
bridge - punt
brilliant, bright - l'achar
brown, brunette - donni
bury - unt'r
business - nogex
butler, manservant - veros
butterfly - kalbek
by - fi
by your - fi'zul
cake - kek
can - kay
candle - shama
canine - yaaik [ya-eek]
cannot - kay'ayl
cat - kath
castle, keep - cair
champion - delakk (delakk'dar - My champion)
chant - ghita
chapel - corr
cheese -
chest, box - pren'cist (wooden)
chosen - dethol
choose - dethlyn
city, town - holm
clearly - kalre
cloak, mantle - cleoca
clone - adgrif
clothing, clothes - archene [ar-keen]
cloud - bult
coast (verb) -
coast (noun) -
cool, neat - xiik [xik]
cold - koul
come - z'cell
companion - companak
conflict - sav's
conquer - anikit
copy, copies - copio, copio'z
correct, right - i'dee
create - k'rafft
creative - k'rafftol
crow - bran
crown - taj'i
crush - hazim
curse - in'lan
daddy - da
damnation - damnu't
dark - duvh dark stranger - du'basha
darkness - duvhresk
darling- cariad
day - calan
daydream - cal'hulya
dawn - ar'una
dead - morta
death - mortiau [mor-too]
deep -
delay - o'deer
delicious, yummy - dai
demon - male'dys [mah-lay-dees]
destiny, fate - kaadre
detect - fonn
devil - moga'dys
devoted - akamin
dog - dogi
do / do not - ad / ad ayat
down - yun
downtown - yunbitt
dragon - trak'an
dread - tem
dream - hulya
drop - pestel
druid - derwidd
dry - drige
dumb, idiot - clud [clood]
dune - dunin
eagle - e'rir
ear, ears - arela, arela'z
east - ethen
earth - terra
eat - imata
eclipse - lipsis
eloquent - ab'yana
emerald - emer'aa [em-ear-ah]
emperor - zar
empress - zar'a
enemy - yardu
energy, spiritual power - bian'chi
enlightened - b'uda
envelope, encase- riatare
eternal, everlasting - zuthain
evening - sitale [si-tally]
ever - bith
exalted, placed high - ulvit
excellent - j'ammen
eye, eyes - vis, vis'z [veez] [veez-siz]
faith - ni'esha
fall, drop - pestel
fallen, death - hendre
farm - fermm
fate, destiny - kaadre
father - abbe
feline - karu
festival - bach'ram
field, meadow - fee
fight - fyd
first - prim
fire - embre
fish - posson
fist - pun'yaa
flame, fire - sule [soo-lay]
flower - blado
fool, idiot - fytyn
forest - skog
for - per' (added to the word as in per'yardu'ti -- for the enemy or per'zela'ti -- for the friend)
forest - dos
forever - per'bith
forgotten - zuha
fort, fortification - zammek, zamekk'eda
freckled - ba'ken
Friend - zela
from - voysh
fuck - bwch [bwich]
future, coming time - orakedoar [oh-rack-a-door]
ghost, haunt, evil creature - nostivagu
girl - fa'gen
go - ga'an [gan]
god, goddess - dei, dea [dee] [day-ah]
gold - aurol
goldsmith - aurol'teir
good, well - fre
grape - vin
grave - terarnu
gravestone - arn'carrig
grey, gray - leath
groom (opp. of bride) -
groom (verb) -
group - companach
grove - geli
guilty - yugg
had - aja
hair, lock of hair - kebh , kebh'ir
half - j'twa [sh-twah]
halo - ayla
hand - manu
handsome - prydwan
happy, happiness - amod, amoda
harp - clarsak
have - nevv
haven - nevoeth
he - hu
heal - ragnas
healer - ragnalt
health - rag'ya
healthy - rag'yal
heart - asgree
help - z'doon
here - iyon
hero - ad'nes
highlands - blanu
hill - bryyn
hit, bang (can be sexual) - teero
holy - glan'a
honor - tel'raa
honorable - tel'raaye
horse - mar'ach
Hour - awron
house - hum
how - sut
hunt - faru
I - zi
ice - isen
ice lotus - isen'jiva
idea - kapana
idiot - debill
idol, image - ilunedd
if - dha
imagine, imagination - kapit, kapitalee
immortal - akhales
important - tromach
in - an
in your - an'zul
incomparable, matchless - anu'pem
infinite, never ending - am'ret
inspiration - il'ami
inn, hostel - c'veri
iron - hearn
is - lasod
it - qua
jade - grinja
jasper - rosha
jewel - s'dug
jewelry - s'dugre
kind - ihsan
kiss -kusan
kitten - karuru
knife - azt
knight - xu'ite
knob - nobin (slang: penis, or calling someone a dick)
know - suth
knowledge - suthen
known - suth'r
lake - llyn
large, big - grut
later - lengen
leader (of a guild, clan, etc) - e'mam
leather - lletr
leave - yamada
left (verb) - yamadente
left (direction) - schmet
legend - vivi
legendary - vivi'ete
less - akhal
let - ig
liar - anwir
life - iau [yow]
like - lasc
light - lucen
lion - lleo
living - iau'shir
look - dees'a
long - hira
longing, homesick - hiraeth
lotus - jiva
love - nesa [knee-sa]
love your - nesa'zul
lover - nesan [knee-san]
lycanthrope - xin'lun
luck - ilwc bad luck - an'liwc good luck - fre'lwc
luster, sheen, brilliance - myfi
mage - xeld
magic - xela [zela]
maiden - mat'dean
make - bilt
makes - bilt'z
marked - en'kita
martyr - methyr
marsh - morfa
maybe - saso
me - ze
meadow, field - fee
meek, shy - llera
meet - giste [jist-ay]
memory - anju
memorial - anjuzl
message - da'sul
messenger - da'sendra
meteor, shooting star - sehebh
milk - laatha
mire, swamp - myr
modest - feef
monastery - klachen
monk - klakkos
moon - lun [loon]
moonlight - lun'cen
moonstone - lunter
more - vatae
morning - ampe
Mother Earth - om'terra
mountains - berkin
mouth - buka
move - glessect
midnight - nos'duvh
mind - entin
misinformed - unphurn
miss - met'uu
mistake - zyllin
much - mocan
mug, cup - gotart
my -'dar (placed behind the word as in abbe'dar -- my father)
name - ennym
near - isbil
near your - isbil'zul
necromancy - nostireverti
need - kime
night - nos
no - ayar [i-yar]
none - ayanor
nor - ayara
north - noord
not - ayat
not your - ayat'zul
nothing - n'ema
now - nawr [now-er]
noble - nabil
oath - berkent
oblivion - letha
of - ab
off - akul
old - addi
omen - arg'ael
on - art
one - ene
onyx - duv'vel
other - fel
otherwise - fel'awry
out - brea
over - pen
own - fene
pale - peil
pass (opposed to fail) -
pass (mountain pass) - bilch
passion - shand
passionate - shandala
past, time past - orakedella
peace - kolet [ko-lay]
pearl - margred
perfect - wajinn
phoenix - f'enics
pirate - verlaat
please - xedra
poem - a'wyn
poetry - a'wynna
practice - pw'tiks
praise - th'ana
pray, entreat - eirchi
pregnant - torakk
pretty - della
priest, priestess - druet, druess
prismatic - lucetaar
promise - vestal
prophet/prophetess - Arme / Armet
psion - nu'har
rain - amet
rainbow - ametola
rag - rhac
rags - rhac'z
ranger - olwyd
rare - adeen
raven - bran
recall, reverse - reve'ti
Refreshed, Refresh - da'chyd
red - roha
right (direction) - yamind
right (correct) - i'dee
ring - ryn
river - rezeka
road, lane - veer
romance - ranay
rose - guld
rough - aniswit
ruby - rohel
ruin - ruun
rule - d'bar
sacrifice - abet
sad, sorrowful - trista
safety, safe - de'gelin, de'gel
sapphire - saffir
say, tell - dweed
scholar - aylim
secret, hidden - bian
sea, ocean - osha
see - dren
servant (sworn servant) - parat'a, parat'i (female, male)
servant - daela
sex - s'zeen
shade - sayeh
shadow - umbra - shadows - umbra'z
she - su
shine, glitter - deii
shirt/tunic - cris
shoe - esged
should - dw'in
show - salen
sight - drenek
silk - ipek
silversmith - aris'teir
skinny - t'wig
silver - aris
sing - canta
singer - cantan
sky, heavens - neamh
slayer, killer, murderer - necator
slave - cae'thel
sleep - shu
sleepy - shud
sleeper - shudan
slow - siga
smile - gwena
smith, smithy - teir
smoke - i'ye
snow - istas
so - ol
soft - ner'myn
something - ru'gin
son - lithel
song - cantar
sorry - ediwith
soul, spirit - ze'chi
south - soord
speech - ilaxen
spell - swyn
spider - aran'yr
spinel - carduv
spirit - sparet
spontaneous - digimell
spotted (can mean acne) - e'brashe
spring - caroun
square - plaz
star - seren
stone, rock - carrig
stop - pa'us
story - rai
storyteller - raiwa
stranger - b'asha
stream - sto'om
street, lane - stry'dd
strength (physical) -- ooja
strength (mental) -oonta
strength (emotional) - oojit
strength (spiritual) oochi
strength (magical) xeloo
such - se'e
suck - suga
summer - afa
sun - ela
swallow - arnu
swamp, mire - myr
sweet, fresh - safro
sweetheart - saf'gree
sweetie - safrol
sword - cledyf
take - igla
tavern - chafarn
tears - de'yorz
teeth - dinte
tell, say - dweed
temple, church - llan Temple of Duthair - Llanduthair // Temple of Kh'ronos - Llankhronos etc.
thank - cela
that- ba
the - t'e
The - Te (beginning of sentences or titles)
the - ti (as in, yardu'ti -- the enemy)
there - ist
these - rhen
think - afka
this - de
thoughts - afkeh
thunder - ra'da
tigereye - teigre
time - orak
timeline - oraken
timespace - orak'tempori
to - i ( as in leichi i Andra'liah -- pray to Andra'liah)
to your - i'zul
too - ixi
topaz - abet'zi
today - i'calan
tomorrow - orak'ifory
tombstone - cromcarrig
tongue -
torment -
torture, torment - cruxo
tower -
town - bitt
track - ll'bir
tracks - ll'bir'z
travel (one day's travel) - da'grene
tribune - tre'vithu
trust - vaf'ee
truth - amish
ugly - sesh't
understand, knowledge - dressar
union - ekta (also used as the formal polite way of saying "sex")
until - trobll
up - opp
us - s'yn
use - yus
valley - dalen
vampire, blood-sucker - sanguisuga
victory, victorious - victus
village - tryfa
virgin, pure - cadi
voice - vozi
void, the void that an Oratio's weapon sends enemies to - t'ghaleg
vow, pledge (such as a knight, cleric) - e'sam
walk - moto
want - dessir
war - rhyfel
warrior - rhyfellion
water - agu
waterfall - agupestyl
way - len
wave - tonn
we, us - nizz
wealth - bernog
weary, tired - jesto'on
weather - afnod
welcome - breshen
were (were-wolf, etc) - vagdu (vagdu'b'leith)
west - ganan
what - ki?
when - k'orak?
where - kell?
white - gwyn
who - kho?
why - pam?
will - w'
wind - tadewa
wine - vin'o
winter - gwyaer
wise, wisdom - jh'nyar, jh'nyarsha
wish - d'lek
with - ot [oat]
wolf - b'leith
woman - cymfe
word - voz
world, earth - terra
worship - archana
would - vood
yes - ais [ ice ]
yesterday -orak'calan
you - zu
your - zul
you're - z'las
young - jazan
youth - jaz'wen
Yule - Cla'gwyaer
Make something plural, add 'z. As in eye is vis. Eyes are vis'z.
-tion = -alee
for example, imagine, imagination - kapit, kapitalee
-ary = ete
for example, legendary - vivi'ete
and - yr
but - ruv
or - ara
nor -ayara
for - per , 'per
so - du
yet - allet
Verbs (and tenses) (in process)
to be - i la am- lam are- le is-las was-lal were-la'el
Past- 'ente or ente (ed)
Present- 'en or en (ing)
Future- w' (will (verb) )
ly - ba
love - nesa
Past: loved - nesente
Present: loving - nesen
Future: will love - w'nesa
loves- nesaz
lovingly - nesenba
lover - nesan
slay, kill, murder - necat
Past: murdered - necat'ente
Present: murdered - necat'en
Future: will murder - w'necat
murders - necat'z
murderer - necan
speak - yalaga
Past: spoke - yalagente
Present: speak - yalagen
Future: will speak - w'yalaga
speaks - yalagaz
swallow - arnu
Past: swallowed - arnente
Present: swallowing - arnen
Future: will swallow - w'arnu
swallows - arnuz
understand, know - dressar
Past: knew - dressente
Present: knowing- dressar'en
Future: will know - w'dressar
understands, knows - dressar'z
understandingly - dressar'enba
Zi dressente.. (I knew)
suck - suga
Past: sucked - sugente
Present: sucking - sugen
Future: will suck - w'suga
sucks - sugaz
Past: watched - leeskente
Present: watching - leesken
Future: will watch - w'leeske
watches - leeskez
Watcher - leeskan
whip, beat, thrash - afross
Past: whipped- afrossente
Present: whipping, beating: afrossen
Future: will whip - w'afross
Whips, Beats: afrossz
walk - moto
Past: walked - motente
Present: walking - moten
Future: will walk - w'moto
walks - motoz
thank - cela
Past: thanked - celente
Present: thanking - celen
Future: will thank - w'cela
thanks - celaz
bless - glin'ais
Past: blessed - glin'aisente
Present: blessing - glin'aisen
Future: will bless - w'glin'ais
blesses - glin'ais'z
Insults/ Name calling / Cursing
Aversitrix - sworn enemy, adversary, hated person.
Fytyn - fool, idiot
J'twa'kro - a hateful term by some kh'ronens for the proliferation of halfies within the world. Halfie - not a pure subrace AND halfie of other races.
Agamedwer - stagnant, filthy water. Used as an insult usually towards water kh'ron, very offensive if spoken to someone not of the water kh'ronen race (usually results in an honor match at the least, if said to someone not a water kh'ron.) Water kh'ronen have been heard to call each other the name though, without repercussion.
Beac - tiny, little thing, little one. Mothers often call their children this, but it's a bit offensive for grown people to call someone "Beac" when they are grown men or women.
Clud - Dummy, idiot.
T'ghaleg zu arnu! - Common curse. "The Void swallow you!"
Carrig ad'nes - "Hero of Rocks/stones" -- basically, you're a hero of nothing. You just think you are. The only thing that thinks well of you are the rocks.
Caganar - brat
Dulithel - "Son of Dulith" - Those winter kh'ron who still follow and walk in the ways of Dulith, doing evil and causing trouble throughout Eldon Heath and other lands.
Kurva - whore, slut, loose woman
Kurvel - whore, slut, loose man
Sut'chum? - How much? (A derogative phrase said to a woman dressed like a tramp)
Malvec - bald headed man.
Ibrac - bastard
Sesh't bwchi - Ugly f'cker.
Z'bwch - F*ck you.
Zu damnu't - Damnation on you!
Bwch'keh - I'll f*ck your thoughts. Extremely rude to say to anyone. A threat, esp. from a psion.
Unt'r t'e Abbas - Bury the Bishop (have sex)
Damnu't i'zul rhi'abbe sven - Damnation to your seventh grandfather! (A strong curse to one's family / against one's family. Usually results in a brawl.)
Some common curses / slang not yet translated:
Wish your parents slept that night. (instead of conceiving you)
Get lost on a thousand streets.
1 - ene
2 - twa
3 - tre
4 - fru
5 - vee
6 - sey
7 - sven
8 - oct
9- non
10 - daz
11 - ence (en-say)
12 - twace 'twah-say)
13 - trece (tray-say)
14 - fruce (froo-say)
15 - veece (vee-say)
16 - sece (say-say)
17 - svens
18 - octes
19 - nonce (non-say)
20 - tway
21 - tway-ene
22 - tway-twa
30 - trey
40 - fray
50 - vey
60 - sezy
70 - sveny
80 - octy
90 - nony
100 - eny
101 - eny-ene
102 - eny-twa
200 - twa eny
201 - twa eny-ene
202 - twa eny-twa
300 - tre eny
400 - fru eny
500 - vee eny
600 - sey eny
700 - sven eny
800 - oct eny
900 - non eny
1000 - dazend
2000 - twayend
3000 - treyend
4000 - frayend
5000 - veyend
6000 - sezend
7000 - svend
8000 - octend
9000 - nonend